Mission Statement: The mission of the Edgewood Chamber of Commerce is to increase the value of the Edgewood-area businesses to their customers, to their employees and to their owners. The Chamber is a volunteer-oriented association of businesses, professionals and individuals, which fulfills its responsibilities to its members and demonstrates its commitment to Edgewood, in leading projects for business retention, quality of life and community development.
We direct our unified energies to helping our members increase the returns on their investment in Edgewood, both of themselves and their resources. We strive to create and preserve a positive growing business climate in the Edgewood area, offering economic and other benefits typical of small town settings, yet preserving our community values and quality of life.

Chamber Board Members:
Director: Elise Bergan
Jerry Maker
Cade Perrinjaquet
Mike Struble
Chase Forkenbrock
Alicia Walz
Taylor Bockenstedt
Luke Kerns
Ashley Vanderhart
Miranda Beyer